If you were a student, I know I could have been an exchange student like I did when I was back in High school and went to Japan for one year.... But now I am 40 and want to go study Italian culture, language, etc, etc...
Other - Italy - 4 Answers
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1 :
u dont have to go to italy. just take classes from a professional, or someone you know who is pure italian. arrivederci! (that means bye)
2 :
all it takes is money and a passport
3 :
It depends on where you're from, but you might be able to visit as a tourist for up to 90 days without a visa. You can check the requirements for your nationality and residence at: http://www.esteri.it/visti/index_eng.asp You could also enrol in a school here and go for a student visa. Generally as a student, you would need to demonstrate that you have adequate funds for your stay here. Note that unless you're from the EU, you can't legally work here without the proper visa that allows it and a permesso di soggiorno that allows you to reside in Italy for the purpose of work.
4 :
money or a job