They just banned the crucifixes in schools because one person complained.
Politics - 7 Answers
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1 :
What possible reason could there be for a crucifix in a school? I can't think of even one.
2 :
Sounds like America, huh? We kicked God out of all our schools many years ago because one woman (M. O'Hare) complained (she was an atheist). Too many Liberals changing the laws.
3 :
Well European government is CRAZY just in case you didn't know.
4 :
Italy is a country in the South of Europe. Italy's mean annual rainfall varies from about 20 inches per year, on the southeast coast and in Sicily and Sardinia, to over 80 inches in the Alps and on some westerly slopes of the Appenines.
5 :
It's pretty lame. I mean 99% of the ppl there are Catholic, it's in their culture and heritage, why should the majority roll over for the minority? If you dont follow Christ, just ignore the cross and move on with your life. Italy is going to eventually become an unreligious country, just like America.
6 :
are you f*cking serious? that really pisses me off, i seriously hate those type of people that have to complain about everything
7 :
If you found out that your child was in a public school which had quotes from the Koran hanging on the wall, would you say something? try to be objective. By keeping government matters secular (even from religions which you may belong to), you are guaranteeing security from religious inspired tyranny. Besides, the law requiring Italy to have a crucifix in every classroom comes from the 1920's... when Italy was under the direction of the Fascist regime. That's not exactly the most promising of sources, is it? It's not helping that one of the most prominent critics of this passage has been Italian politician Alessandra Mussolini (that last name isn't a coincidence)